What I do

I have a dream. I have a dream that the Christian community in the greater Boston area would be united, across denominational and cultural lines, to be all that God created the Christian Church to be. As the school year winded up last spring, I sensed that God was asking me to step into ministry on a full-time basis, so I’m currently building a team of people to support me and my vision.

So what do I do?

My main ministry involves UniteBoston and initiatives to inspire unity among Christians throughout greater Boston. UniteBoston’s mission is to better unite the Christian community through shared experiences. I noticed that there were so many great things happening throughout the city among different churches, and yet each church was acting as its own separate entity. This was not the united body of believers that we saw present in the first Christian church in Acts. A group of young adults and I  started a website (www.uniteboston.com) and a weekly newsletter to share various Christian events happening throughout the city and inspire communication across the body. Our prayer is that this would break down walls that are separating the church, between denominations, cultures and people groups, so we can become one as He is one, as Jesus prayed in John 17.

With UniteBoston, my day-to-day work involves building relationships and having meetings with various church and ministry groups in the city. I also update the website with event information, put together the weekly email newsletter, and oversee the connecting team, whose goal is to meet with one person in every church and ministry in the city.

My ministry work in the area also involves working with a new church plant in Harvard Square called Journey Church. We are situated right in the heart of Cambridge, with both MIT and Harvard in close proximity. I am the Compassion and Outreach Director, where I organize a monthly “Second Saturday” outreach for us to bless the community where we exist. I have organized events including a Cambridge Community Easter Egg Hunt in which over 250 kids and families attended, a training on homelessness for our church members, and a day where we weeded newly planted trees for the city. As I am able to devote more time to Journey Church, I am excited about being able to spend more time help college students grow in their personal relationships with Jesus.

I also have been involved with Jonathan Friz’s work with the 10 Days of Prayer. In Fall of 2011, we used our connections and relationships to call the city-wide church to ten days of prayer, fasting and worship – organizing daytime prayer sets as well as evening gatherings in a variety of churches throughout the city. We intentionally reached out to a variety of denominations and ethnicities; it was beautiful to see various expressions of God’s heart present in our city. Learn more about 10 Days Boston, including behind-the-scenes video updates during the ten days, here:     http://www.wix.com/kellysteinhaus/10daysboston

From July 2012 through May 2013, I have felt God calling me to take part in the World Race, an 11-country, 11-month mission trip all around the world. My prayer for this time is that God would teach me about His children in the nations and that I might take that knowledge back with me to my work to better unite the Christian community in Boston.

The more I see, the more I understand that God is doing a mighty work in this place – May His kingdom come and His will be done throughout Boston. May He be glorified to the ends of the earth!

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